Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The first 2 first days of classes

so the very first day of classes went pretty good. long and stressful, slightly overwhelming, but good. atleast for me, haley had a pretty classic BAD first day. my second first day (different classes every other day so the second day was all new classes again) was pretty bad tho! well not overall, just that i MISSED completely missed my book of mormon class. i dont know how, but i just completely forgot about it, thinking that i had gone yesterday for some reason. so that SUCKS, but atleast i didn't miss much. We had FHE on monday, and there actually WAS cute guys in our ward, tho we didnt see them on sunday. of course, they're not in OUR FHE group, but oh well. we had fun anyways. we got a free 3 liter of soda there tho, if we promised to have some guys over for dinner to share with. so, tonight we were gonna invite some guys over. the guy durk i mentioned before texted me earlier, so my roomies and i decided to invite him over, and then some other guys "of course". yeah so much for that, no one else invited any guys over, and so durk was the only one that came. it ended up being fine, but i did sorta feel stupid since it seemed like I was the one to invite him over, and he was the only guy there,but OH WELL.

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