Sunday, September 21, 2008

The best weekend EVER (almost...)

So basically, this weekend was awesome. Friday night we went to a party called "Beaver Dick Bash", and that wasy pretty fun. There was a lot of moshing and crowd surfing and sweating, which was an interesting experience, but fun. Jamie and I met these two guys, Terry and Chris. They're cool guys. Anyhow, we hung out with them some, and Terry gave us a ride home in his new Audi, so we didn't have to take the shuttle home, and we stopped to get drinks, which made us almost late for curfew, and since they closed the gate early, Jamie and I had to jump the fence when we got home. We exchanged #s with Terry and Chris, and they invited us to go "Texas snoball fighting" with them and they're roomates and friends in the morning. That's where you take women's panty hose, cut them in sections, fill them with flour, and chuck 'em at each other. It was way fun. It started raining tho, and the flour turned to glue, lol. Afterwards, we wet to the ice caves with them. It was beautiful. There were sections that we had to lie on our backs and kick the cieling to slide through, and a really steep part that we had to go up and down with a rope that was frozen into the ice. There was also a cool ice slide at the end. When we got out, the ocean was falling out of the sky, and we had to ride the 20 minutes back to Terry's car in the back of a pickup truck, while we were already cold and wet, just to get more so. I came out with only one battle wound-on one of the parts we had to crawl in the pitch dark, I slammed my knee really hard into a big rock. OUCH! i couldn't walk on it the whole day, and I still have a bit of a limp. But oh well -it was way worth it! :)

1 comment:

Katie and Jason said...

Hey Amanda, sounds like you're having a blast at school!! I heard you're coming to Utah this weekend. I'll be stopping at Becca's Saturday night, so maybe we can see you and catch up a bit! I love you!!